We are firmly convinced that the adults’ education needs of appropriate methods focused on specific targets. According to Malcom Knowles andragogy model, we focus on understanding of the needs and learning interests, using the most fitting methods.

Our methodological “know how” is composed by classroom approaches enriched with experiences and emotions that simplify the learning process so the intellectual workload becomes lighter.

In our “collection” find a place all the active learning methods:

CASES ANALYSIS (when the learner has already got an expertise that can be enriched)

ROLE PLAYING (the participants put ourselves out there, so they reinforce their knowledges with experiences)


TRAINING ON THE JOB (after theoretical sessions, mentorship is helpful to learners to improve their practical abilities, with the support of the tutor)

COACHING ONE-TO-ONE (for those who want to redefine their own professional goals and to begin an individual change).