Scrolling down the educational catalogues’ pages of most training societies, we can always find some courses about Selling Techniques.
Why you should choose Axioma?
The answer to this question is unbelievably easy. What makes us unique is not the umpteenth invention of a new sales method but the win of a bet: to connect the training results to commercial indicators.
Changing approach, shifting the focus from selling techniques to entire sell-out process by which we can identify immediately applicable contents and activities to the product sector and specific sales modality.
According to us planning a Sales training course means first of all to define customers’ purchase process, to carry out a survey of mystery audit, to analyse competitors, to identify and share with customers Sales style of the company. So, we can establish the teaching methods, the most effective to gain agreed results.
This is our secret, every sales technique, also the most advanced, in order to its acquisition and application, requires the trainer ability to use tools and teaching methods that fit with the working profile of students and with the adopted selling typology.
Theory is not enough, neither practice for its own sake, that’s because our learning courses alternate classroom lessons, stores practical activities, field training, business coaching, individual coaching session, inverted roles experiences (from commercials to customers).
Our learning interventions allow customer companies to improve Sales performance in terms both of quality (increase of services sales, decrease in percentage of obsolete products) and quantity (stores, departments, agency, turnover increase, mean value’ sales receipts increase).
The same approach for trade learning processes, both classroom lessons and on-line teaching by support tools that guarantee the maximum effectiveness and slightest effort for Stores’ signs.
Training becomes a trade marketing tool to involve, update, orient sales representatives, merchandisers and sales staff.